The snow fell deep last night. Luckily it is the fluffy kind, which makes heading out to the barn a bit easier. Snowflake and Daisy will want their oats and daily apple treat. They don't mind the cold, as long as there's fresh hay in their stalls. Love my horses. Love caring for animals. They don't ask for much, and give love so freely. Wonder how Snowflake got her name? She's my favorite. So unique in her markings. Guess that's kinda like the flakes that fell last night. I can see each outline of the few that stick to my mittens. I heard somewhere that every snowflake that has ever fallen, or will ever fall, is unique--there will never be another like it. Mind boggling, considering how many snowflakes fall every winter! Which leads me to wonder, and imagine, how every human is unique and an individual...fearfully and wonderfully made. Am I loving and caring for the humans in my life? Am I appreciative of their special qualities? Could I be more patient, more understanding, more generous? Will I be, especially now that it's Christmas?
~~~This painting is in a private collection in Maine.
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