If we fail to pause, even for a moment, to bear witness to nature, why are we here? Beyond cars and concrete and cappuccinos is a world that quietly marks the passing of time through light and tracks and new birth...melting snow, green buds, singing birds. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven. This painting is of a large pine tree that sits on the edge of our property line. I look out upon it as I sip my morning coffee. And in certain seasons, the morning light illuminates the base of the trunk and lower branches. It has always captured my attention--enchanting me with thoughts of how light can make its way through a thicket to warm up the snowy forest floor. Today, as I was silently watching through my window, a deer made its way behind the tree and rested just to the right of the trunk, nestled in the snow, taking a moment to her self. Made me wonder if she would farrow early and bring forth an spotted spring fawn, but after a while was joined by others in her herd and they moved on. It is precious and sweet to gaze upon the creatures of the woods. We must take time.
........... Welcome to Maine Watercolor Art showcasing the artwork of Rachel Smith Maher and Dragonfly Arts of Maine............ .............Take a Moment to View the Paintings ................ Read Stories that Inspire Her Work...........Breathe in the Beauty ................ ~~~~ Splashing Blue Oceans ~~~ Bright Garden Flowers ~~~ Scenic Maine Vistas ~~~ Winter's Quiet Beauty ~~~ Flora & Fauna ~~~~
Flock of Seagulls

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