Flock of Seagulls

Flock of Seagulls

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"Sunflower Dawn"~~framed with gold metal and white mat,  11"x14" $180
"Sunflower I" ~~ matted, unframed,
ready for 11"x14" frame $135
Sunflowers have inspired me lately...as they do every fall.  Attempting to capture the fluidity and flexibility of the petals this year.  Still a work in progress, but my creative spirit is engaged and working!  Going with the flow...reducing expectations...breathing in and out...simple things, but they make the days just a bit easier.  

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Under Pressure

Someone once said, "When you're pressed, what's inside comes out".  I see this evidenced in my life.  I have been pressed on every side this summer...beyond what anyone should need to bear...and here's what emerges from my soul:  This painting is a result of showing up at my easel, putting brush to paper without prior conceptualization or thought, and seeing what happens.  What comes out.  The painting is meant to be open to interpretation...every viewer brings to the event their own feelings, imagination, eyes.  I see storm clouds...but they're moving.  I see rough seas becoming calm as they reach the shore.  I see land, dark and distant, but an opening--a cove--for safe approach.  I see reflections...mirrors to the moment.
I see light...bright and glowing light...that remains constant despite the storm's attempt to obscure and cover.  That's what is inside me...an ever present knowing that Light is within reach, just beyond the darkness, just beyond the storm.

"Flight"  ~~private Maine collection

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Walking in my Painting

I went for a walk in my painting, 4 years after painting it.  And something miraculous happened.  Let me tell you the story...

The painting, "Megan Jill", is a commissioned piece from 2009.  It was to depict not only the boat, whose namesake would be the recipient of the artwork, but also the quaint Maine village of Friendship Harbor.  Several of the wharves and buildings were owned by the same family as the lobster boat.  I took on the project, using a photograph as a reference, as I had never been to Friendship, Maine.  

Fast forward to 2013...while on an trip up the coast of Maine, my friend suggested we visit the coastline north of Damariscotta.  We headed toward Friendship Harbor and I became excited to see it firsthand!  As we drove down the narrow, curved pavement (upper right portion of the painting) and onto the wharf and I felt like I was back in time.  Back to the days when I was sketching and painting the piece.  I recognized all the buildings, the bait shacks, the peaks of the houses...it was surreal and fascinating to this artist's brain!
 Of course, I wanted to find the Megan Jill!  So I explored each corner...but came up empty.  Walking down the last pier, one boat caught my eye, the Jill Marie, as I strolled past it.  But it was not the same color, so I kept moving.   When I came back from the end of the pier, I read the words "Jehovah Jireh" painted on the side of the Jill Marie.   I hadn't noticed them the first time I walked by!
Translated, this means "The God Who Heals".  Tears began to fall from my eyes.  I knew it was God speaking to my heart.  Telling me I am on the right path.  For back in 2009 I was diagnosed with a troubling illness within a few days of quitting my job and pursuing this artistic journey full time.  As I worked my way through the emotional roller coaster ride that accompanies any serious diagnosis, painting kept me grounded in the present moment.  Painting was, and continues to be, a tremendous instrument in my day to day peace.  Through the miracle of prayer (mine and those of my precious friends) I have continued to paint full time for nearly 5 years now.  It is my dream come true.  Being able to express myself through watercolor painting has truly brought great healing, to my soul, and subsequently to my body. I am grateful beyond words to my God and the special people in my life who lend loving support and encouragement to me as I walk this amazing walk called the journey of life!  

Friendship...the name of the place...and the name of so much more!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Morning Light

If we fail to pause, even for a moment, to bear witness to nature, why are we here?  Beyond cars and concrete and cappuccinos is a world that quietly marks the passing of time through light and tracks and new birth...melting snow, green buds, singing birds.  To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.  This painting is of a large pine tree that sits on the edge of our property line.  I look out upon it as I sip my morning coffee.  And in certain seasons, the morning light illuminates the base of the trunk and lower branches.  It has always captured my attention--enchanting me with thoughts of  how light can make its way through a thicket to warm up the snowy forest floor.  Today, as I was silently watching through my window, a deer made its way behind the tree and rested just to the right of the trunk, nestled in the snow, taking a moment to her self.  Made me wonder if she would farrow early and bring forth an spotted spring fawn, but after a while was joined by others in her herd and they moved on.  It is precious and sweet to gaze upon the creatures of the woods.  We must take time. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Comes the Dawn

Twelve Noon on New Year's Day.  Happy 2014!  I absolutely love New Year's Day...its a new beginning, a fresh start.  Its a chance to grow, learn, change, appreciate, and love...just a little bit better, a little bit more, than the year before.  Building upon all that I learned, I journey forward into this budding pathway.  I have some new things I want to try, some new thoughts I want to think.  Join me in this voyage we call life...the adventure of a brand new year!  

AND, as is tradition at Dragonfly Arts, the first painting of the year ("Comes the Dawn" pictured above) is given to the first person who asks for it...free!  (This one is painted on aquaboard and is 5"x7") My email is dragonflyartsofmaine@yahoo.com