This time of year, when the skies are mackerel-striped gray, I tend to reflect back on the past 11 months...what I've done, what worked and what didn't, fun times, hard times, and sunny days. Last June, some artist friends and I travelled to Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens to paint en plein aire. When we were about to leave, I snapped this shot of the sun glowing behind the petals of the water lily. Couldn't help but be inspired to paint it!
In 2012 I spent more time painting and teaching watercolor painting than ever...had more shows and exhibits than ever, and was able to reach out to more people than ever with my message of Light and Hope. Being able to paint is so special to me...not necessarily the talent, but the opportunity: spending time and creative energy to put brush to be able to impact the my case, I hope to bring peace to the heart of the beholder. As I put my trust in Christ, my Creator...I hope to continue this journey receiving each day, one by one, as the gift that it is.
~~~This painting is in a private collection in Maine.
........... Welcome to Maine Watercolor Art showcasing the artwork of Rachel Smith Maher and Dragonfly Arts of Maine............ .............Take a Moment to View the Paintings ................ Read Stories that Inspire Her Work...........Breathe in the Beauty ................ ~~~~ Splashing Blue Oceans ~~~ Bright Garden Flowers ~~~ Scenic Maine Vistas ~~~ Winter's Quiet Beauty ~~~ Flora & Fauna ~~~~
Flock of Seagulls