They searched, and found their King…but it was not what they expected, to say the least. The star led them to a house where they discovered the Boy Child and his mother Mary. No royal robes, no golden crown, no throne, no palace. Did they turn around, assuming they were mistaken? Did they look at the night sky, seeking another star?
Nope. They bowed down and worshiped. And opened their treasures. And offered their gifts. (Matthew 2:11) To the little Child who was their King.
Have you ever encountered such a scene…where things did not turn out the way you planned…they way you hoped…the way they were supposed to? Feelings of discouragement, despair, anger and frustration seem warranted. But God’s ways are not our ways. He asks us to look at the Wisemen, and worship anyways. To open the treasures anyways. To offer our gifts anyways.
What does that look like in real life? Look for glimpses of God’s hand in your circumstances…and worship His presence in your life. Keep a close eye out for nuggets of clarity and truth, treasures in the sea of confusion and chaos. And offer ourselves as instruments of His Peace in times of uncertainty and unrest.
And remember…Wise Men Still Seek Him.
Christmas blessing to you and yours.